Wake Up Joyful!
The Set Free Academy
If you are a Christian woman who is consumed with deep emotional pain and wounds from the past, often feeling like you are on a downward spiral…
And you want to gain deep awareness about who you are in Christ so you can get transformational healing in your mind & heart and see yourself as the worthy woman He created you to be...
With your deepest desire being to shine God’s light more brightly in the world…
The Set Free Academy is for YOU!
Deep down are you terrified of being judged, afraid to be the real YOU - your authentic self?
You try to fill the void inside with countless things - and they all work for a while...before they don’t.
You sabotage relationships and struggle to trust people, BUT that doesn't stop you from putting THEIR needs before yours
And when they don’t give back to you the same way, you feel rejected and not enough
You’ve tried to fix your problems but even after going to therapy, reading self-help books, and attending church, you STILL feel stuck.
What if I told you that you can have everything you want?
I promise you, YOU CAN!
And it’s not just me who promises you that - God does too!
He says, “I came so that you could have life and have it abundantly…” and “all things are possible with me”
- You are healed from emotional pain
- You are confident in your own skin, and walk with your head held high
- You ONLY look to God for validation, NOT other people
- You set healthy boundaries and courageously stand up for yourself
- You feel good about the decisions you make, and don’t second guess yourself
- You feel God’s love for you on a deep level, and love who He created YOU to be!
“I was very distant from God and unsure where my life was going. I wanted to know that I was truly loved by Him and I had tried counseling, a 3 year ministry-based program and so much more and I still didn’t feel good about myself.
When I heard about The Set Free Academy I was afraid it wouldn’t work. I wondered if I would get the results I really wanted. Alana’s kindness, giving, helping and support encouraged and supported me and it helped me see what was possible in my life.
I loved how The Set Free Academy focused on the emotional and spiritual side of things and you cared for me. The one on one coaching was amazing because it was geared toward exactly what I needed. Alana’s support was amazing - she was so generous with her time when I was working through things. Alana was so consistent in her support and I could tell her anything and I knew I wouldn't be judged. I have seen so many changes in me - emotionally, spiritually and mentally. I have joy and I am not going in circles anymore. I’m more confident in who I am and have strategies to work through the lies in my head. There has been a deep change in me - a lasting transformation. I have been set free of things that have been buried for 40 years. I am so glad I decided to do The Set Free Academy with Alana. I would highly recommend it.” ~Kelly Clossin
I created The Set Free Academy when I realized that so many Christian women were struggling to have joy and peace in their life. They spiraled downward all too often and desperately wanted to heal and break free of the pain. These amazing Christian women couldn’t see their own worth and value and they would try to find comfort and guidance in self-help books, church and therapy, but they weren’t really getting the help they needed. I’ve studied this problem for over 25 years and have found the solution! Here’s how using this service has positively impacted my own life:
I was caught in a cycle of shame, bitterness and depression. I didn’t know how to break free of the constant negative thoughts in my head or my focus on other people’s feelings about me. I had given my life to Christ and I knew He was doing good work in me, but I still hadn’t broken free. I knew it was possible because anything is possible with God so I started reading self help books, spending loads of money on personal development seminars and trying to figure out what was going on inside me and how to fix it. I finally started diving into my own subconscious belief systems.
I faced my fears of finding out what was really going on inside me and breaking free of the lies. I had an extensive background in education through my University degree and experience, but I then became certified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Neuro-programming, and Life Coaching. With the combination of my life experience, education and understanding of how to truly overcome the lies and live with abundant peace and joy, I created The Set Free Academy. In this program, I’ve been able to help Christian women who are tired of spinning their wheels trying to figure out the answer, and help them to break free of their subconscious belief systems so they can experience pure bliss in life.
- Private 1:1 Sessions, where you learn how to overcome the emotional pain trapped inside
- Weekly Intimate Small Group Coaching Calls to build community and solidify the tools you are learning
- The Set Free Academy Online Experience, 7 modules done at your own pace where you gain deep awareness and learn powerful tools to heal your mind and heart (Learn More HERE)
- A Bound, Lay-flat, Full-colour Journalling Workbook mailed straight to your door for each Pillar of the Online Experience to record every Milestone so you can refer back anytime
- An in-depth understanding of WHO YOU ARE so you can lead your life with Inner Peace, Confidence and Self-Trust
- 2 Deep-dive Virtual Retreats every year
- A team to Support and Hold you through the Healing Journey
- Private Community for FULL support on your journey
- The Rooted in God’s Love Masterclass Series - 25+ Christ-centered Experts & Leaders imparting their wisdom and experience onto YOU. Each Speaker is also giving a FREE gift to you!
- The Self-Love Challenge - a 5 hour experience to help you learn the tools to truly love yourself!
- The Experiencing God’s Love Intensive - this 5 hour intensive will help you experience God’s love on a much deeper level, and also allow you to better love yourself and others!
- Healing Trauma in One Day: This 3 hour training allows you to go through the Proven Method to Reverse the Effects of Complex Trauma
- Tapping Into Calm - A Powerful Easy-to-Use Technique that can Free your Nervous System of Stress and Anxiety

A day in your life - 1 year from now...
You wake up in the morning with a spring in your step. You haven’t had a down day in months. You look in the mirror and smile, laughing at the days to come, knowing that no matter what happens, you can handle it.
As you start your day you feel confident in your own skin, walking with your head held high. You love yourself exactly the way you are and you are confident that people will like you for YOU, not the act you put on. You don’t depend on other people to like you anymore because you know that you are loved and adored by God.
You know how much you have to offer and see yourself in a positive light, therefore you get more respect and love from others...
You feel confident in what you say, what you do and the decisions you make. You courageously stand up for your beliefs and share your true self with people, without fear that they are going to judge you or walk away.
You have cleaned out the dirty filter inside you that was caked with pain and hurt. Now the water is running through clear and you can see how God is working everything together perfectly in your life, even the tough situations You trust in His way, His perfect plan,
You no longer need to build a wall around you to protect yourself. You have a white picket fence surrounding you, where you gently open and close the gate to let people in and out. You have strong boundaries and enforce them confidently and lovingly when needed.
You surround yourself with people who respect you, and love you exactly the way you are. You’re not needy or afraid in your relationships because you know who you are and show up grounded in that truth of your identity in Christ.
You have a deeply connected relationship with God and can withstand the enemy’s lies. You've cleared out the pain and hurt in your soul and made room for God’s Spirit to shine through more brightly. You are bearing good fruit because you have become more deeply rooted in God’s love.
You don’t feel like you’re standing on sand anymore, but on the rock, and that gives you abundant confidence to unapologetically be the woman God created you to be.
If that’s what you want I can help!
- How is this program different from other things I’ve tried?
The Set Free Academy is the only program of its kind. With personal 1:1 daily support, private coaching sessions, a powerful online experiential program based on the Biblical Truths, Neuro-Programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, you will experience fast and lasting transformation. The method I teach in The Set Free Academy will help you overcome the lies in your head and subconscious belief systems that have held you back in life. You will be able to stop the downward spiral and wake up joyful and peaceful every day, no matter the circumstances. - Why should I invest in myself?
The level of personal support you receive in The Set Free Academy is unparalleled. My clients have often been shocked at the level of support, consistency and access they have to me any day of the week. You are investing in your own growth and you get to have me by your side walking with you for 12 months. I am often told that it should be much more expensive and I keep the price lower to make it affordable for almost anyone who wants lasting change. - Can you guarantee results?
I can guarantee that you will gain powerful awareness, break those limiting beliefs that have plagued you for years, stop going in circles and become a more grounded, joyful and peaceful woman. I can also guarantee that God will be right there with you helping you experience His amazing transformation. I can guarantee all of this if you are willing to do the work within the program. When you do the work, the program will work and you will get the transformation you desire. - Who is this program good for?
This program is designed specifically for Christian women who have struggled with low self-worth, codependency, people-pleasing and toxic relationships. The women who enter into the Academy have usually been through abuse or trauma, and they realize that there are lies in their head that they want to break free from. They have tried many other things (meditation, counseling, reading self-help books, etc) and nothing has solved the deeper problems. They want to honour God and they are tired of the pain and trauma holding them back from shining His light in the world. They are ready to invest in a program that really works. They are willing to commit to their own transformation and be open for God to set free their mind and heart so they can live with joy, peace and emotional freedom.

- Joanne C.
- Stop ruminating and break the cycle of thinking about things you can’t change
- Understand how to stop spinning your wheels and finally be at peace
- Experience the abundant joy that comes with knowing what thoughts are running you and how to overcome them
- Have the personal attention of someone who cares deeply about you and can help you gain awareness and freedom
- Gain a deeper relationships with God than you ever thought possible
- Know that you are perfectly created and that you are not a problem to solve, but a women who is loved and cherished for exactly who you are